Sunday, March 29, 2015


There was a year where I wanted to have a mantra. On New Year's Day I decided I would have one word that I would focus on for the year. I wanted to become this word. I chose "worthy".
However, focusing on my mantra did not help me accomplish that goal.
Instead, I realized something far more important.

We will never be worthy.

Ever. Sure, as people we are worthy of plenty of earthly things. We are worthy of respect and kindness. We are worthy of a lot, but we aren't worthy of our God.

We will never be worthy of Him. We are not worthy of His Grace. We are not worthy of His Love.
We never will be.
That's what is so cool about God.
We don't need to be "worthy".

Thursday, January 22, 2015


How do we know what is true?
Do we base it off of proven fact or something arbitrary that we believe?
Is what is true for me the same as what is true for you?

How do we choose what to believe as fact or fiction? We can be so naive when we believe the media. We don't know how to think for ourselves or find our own information anymore.

It's refreshing to see a new generation wanting change. There is a wave of activists and peacemakers wanting equality and revolution.
Let the growth be exponential. We need it.